Rick Grimes is a character made popular in The Walking Dead comics created by Robert Kirkman, which was then adapted into the series that premiered on AMC in 2010. Actor Andrew Lincoln was cast as Rick and did a fantastic job bringing the character to life. In the ninth season, Lincoln left the series to spend time with his family. Will he reprise his role as Rick in any of the spinoffs?
Rick makes a brief appearance in the fourth season of Fear the Walking Dead, the first spinoff in the universe. This is when Morgan Jones (Lennie James) crosses over to that series. Rick visited Morgan at the Heaps and tried to talk him into staying, but Morgan had already made up his mind to leave Virginia.
While many hoped to see Rick in the second spinoff, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, as this story featured the CRM (Civic Republic Military), this was not to be. Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) would refer to Rick, although not by name. She states, “I had an opportunity, and I created a ticket to get into the Civic Republic. I gave the CRM something very valuable, and I got a new life.” The story preceding this statement was obviously her rescue of Rick in season 9 of The Walking Dead.
Rick Grimes returns to The Walking Dead universe
In February 2024, fans will finally get their wish. Rick Grimes, along with Michonne (Danai Gurira), will return to the storyline in the Rick and Michonne spinoff, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. The highly anticipated series continues the story of the characters first featured in the main series.
The series finale of The Walking Dead, which aired in November 2022, gave viewers a treat. Rick and Michonne were featured in scenes highlighting some of what they have experienced since their departure from the series. Rick, who is being held by the CRM, escaped at least once as he tried to make his way back to his family, only to be recaptured. Michonne has not given up her search for her true love since discovering that he survived the explosion at the bridge in season 9.
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live premieres on AMC and AMC+ on February 25, 2024.
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